World Film Festival 2020 is cancelled September 14, 2020
Dear friends of the festival
Submissions for 17th festival now open January 13, 2020
Submissions are open for the 17th World Film Festival!
Kuidas mitte kaotada ennast laenude maailmas: ideaalse pakkumise valimise saladused March 09, 2023
Anastasiia Turusinova, Worldfilm blog team
Laenu valik: alustame kõige olulisemast
Enne kui sukeldume protsentmäära maailma, selgitage välja oma eesmärgid. Millised on teie rahalised vajadused? Kiired kulud, suured ostud või haridus? Iga laen täidab oma ülesannet, ja mida täpsemalt määratlete oma vajadused, seda lihtsam on valida sobiv variant.
Protsentmäärad: võlu, mida tasub mõista
Tehkem selgeks, mis on protsentmäär. See on hind laenatud vahendite kasutamise eest. Ideaalis peaks see olema madal, kuid ärge unustage varjatud makseid. On olukordi, kus pank "topib" lisakulusid, nii et lugege väikest trükki ja olge valvsad.
Laenude tüübid: lühike teejuht erinevustesse
Tarbimislaenu erinevus hüpoteegist on oluline punkt. Mõelge, millist laenu tüüpi vajate. Ja pidage meeles, et pikaajalised laenud võivad mõjutada teie eelarvet mitmeteks aastateks ette.
Enne taotluse esitamist kontrollige kindlasti oma krediidiajalugu. Vead selles võivad muuta teie laenutaotluse kasutuks. Jälgige regulaarselt oma krediidiraportit ja parandage võimalikud ebatäpsused.
Olulised momendid enne allkirjastamist
Enne lepingule allkirja andmist lugege hoolikalt läbi iga punkt. Ärge kartke küsida küsimusi ja selgitada tingimusi. See on teie õigus, ja ärge mingil juhul alistuge survele.
Küsimused ja vastused
K: Milline laenuperiood loetakse optimaalseks?
A: See sõltub laenamise eesmärgist. Suurte ostude jaoks sobivad pikaajalised laenud, kiirete vajaduste korral valige lühemad tähtajad.
K: Mida teha, kui mul pole krediidiajalugu?
A: Alustage väikestest laenudest või pöörduge pankade poole, mis pakuvad teenuseid algajatele.
K: Kuidas vältida ülepakkumist?
A: Võrrelge erinevate pankade tingimusi, pöörake tähelepanu lisatasudele ja ärge unustage lugeda teiste klientide ülevaateid.
Laenu valimine on oluline samm, ja teadmised ning tähelepanelikkus aitavad seda teha vigadeta. Mõelge oma vajadustele, uurige tingimusi ning teie rahaline tee saab olema usaldusväärne ja turvaline. Edu finantsalastes ettevõtmistes!
Kõigist laenu saamise raskustest on raske rääkida. Täpsemat teavet leiate meie partnerite veebisaitidelt.
Harbour of the Past March 19, 2019
Anastasiia Turusinova, Worldfilm blog team
It is interesting how some places on Earth are really persistent to any changes. It seems that time has stopped there, and day/season/year is completely irrelevant to this small local environment. In a warm short film done by Lotte Haase you will see how one of these places is maintained. -
Is it easy to be young? March 18, 2019
Anastasiia Turusinova, Worldfilm blog team
Soviet time was hard for many nations and states. The hardest it was for youth – under the Soviet rule you were not supposed to fully express yourself. Strict limitations provided by the state, harsh propaganda and censorship basically made your voice invisible if it was contracting to official state’s line. Juris Podnieks through the lens of his film camera tried to show the moods of youth. -
Mr. Finnes Reality Tunnel March 18, 2019
Anastasiia Turusinova, Worldfilm blog team
If you have ever tried any psychedelic drugs, from the first minute of Henrik Edelbo’s film you’ll feel like you are on the trip again. Montage, colours, soundtrack and footage immediately create a feeling of soft falling apart. No, you are not tripping right now, you are watching “Mr. Finnes Reality Tunnel”.
World Film Festival 2019 March 13, 2019
We are happy to bring you the 16th World Film Festival!
Fascinating sensible story of life March 24, 2018
Yuliya Len, Worldfilm blog team
The heroine of the film “Donna Haraway. Storytelling for Earthly Survival” is a distinguished scholar, Donna Haraway. She made her researches in the field of human and animal consciousness, philosophy and literature. -
Four films. Four views. Four worlds. March 20, 2018
Yuliya Len, Worldfilm blog team
Our world changes with astronomy speeds. Technologies are far ahead of our audacious fantasies. How to meet unpredictable tomorrow. Four films devoted to being a human in the world of technologies show the viewer non-trivial ways of coping with that. -
I WAS A SOLDIER March 20, 2018
Anastasiia Turusinova, Worldfilm blog team
A war has always been a hard topic for artists no matter in what field one works: a film, a painting or a music. This seems to be a sensitive topic to be touched as it deals with destruction of human nature. -
60 new documentaries from 30 countries March 16, 2018
The 15th World Film Festival takes place from March 19-24 at the Estonian National Museum. The programme includes works by both documentary gurus and young filmmakers. -
World Film Festival 2018 March 12, 2018
Pille Runnel, festival director
Dear friends of the World Film Festival,
This year, we are bringing you the 15th World Film Festival. -
A Romantic Wednesday Night and the Secret of the Sacred Water March 24, 2017
Kata Maria Saluri
On the screen of Worldfilm festival on Wednesday night we saw men paddling on lake Kivu, looking for the meaning of life. They were on the Sacred Water, on the lake which, according to a folk tale, was created thousands of years ago from the ejaculation, or kunyaza, of the queen of Rwanda. The film „Sacred Water“ by the Belgian filmmaker Olivier Jourdain describes sexuality and traditions cocnnected to it in East Africa. -
Festival guide: Body and Soul March 23, 2017
Sub-program on the challenges of our bodies and souls
Festival guide: Finno-Ugric stories March 22, 2017
Festival guide: At the Periphery of Norwegian Music March 22, 2017
Sub-program on do-it-yourself music in Norway
Festival guide: The place of women March 21, 2017
Sub-program on women, strength and vulnerability
Festival guide: On the Move March 21, 2017
Sub-program on mobility and migration
Youth of Fenno-Ugria recommends: „Arctic Superstar“ March 20, 2017
„Arctic Superstar“ tells us the story of a Sami rapper. That’s right – SlinCraze, officially Nils Rune Utsi, raps in his native, Northern Sami language. Actually the film is about much more than music – it is about contemporary Sami culture, the identity of local youth and about the everyday life of a northern indigenous group.
World Film Festival 2017 March 20, 2017
Pille Runnel, festival director
Dear friends of documentary film,
We are glad to bring you the 14th edition of the World Film Festival, which runs from March 20th to March 25th, and takes place in the newly opened building of the Estonian National Museum. -
Festival guide: Wildscapes March 19, 2017
Pille Runnel, festival director
Welcome to the festival blog 2017 March 15, 2017
Liina Rajaveer, Tiina Klooster, Oliver Issak
In less than a week, Tartu will yet again spend some time in the rhythm of the Worldfilm Festival. This year’s festival will bring a slightly different vibe, because all the screenings and discussions will take place in the fascinating new building of the Estonian National Museum! As always, the main topics of the festival are timely and the documentaries will offer interesting insights and food for thought on the experiences of being human in different societies around the world.
Making films from the inside: interview with Alex Campos García April 04, 2016
Liina Rajaveer* made an interview with the director of Singing to the Depths of the Earth, which was screened at World Film Festival on Tuesday. Alex talks about travelling and connecting to one’s roots, his (very anthropological) approach to documentary film-making and the way he is connecting different realities.
13th World Film Festival - some reflections April 01, 2016
Robert McNamara,
master student in audiovisual ethnography, Tallinn UniversityOf the 11 films I viewed at Maailmafilm, or the 13th Tartu World Film Festival, there were several gems. In particular, Elephant’s Dream by Kristof Bilsen, Leaving Africa by Iiris Härmä, Circus Debere Berhan by Lukas Berger, Stony Paths by Arnaud Khayadjanian, Absent by Matthew Mishory, and Time Suspended by Natalia Bruschtein were particularly striking. The former 3 films, shot in Congo, Uganda, and Ethiopia, respectively, showed a world mostly unseen by the Western eye, while the latter 3 films, shot in Armenia, Moldova, and Mexico/Argentina, respectively, explore tragic places in danger of being lost to the opaqueness of the past.
Dealing with the past March 14, 2016
Liina Rajaveer, Laura Valli
In a mere two weeks time World Film Festival 2016 will take off in Tartu. As in previous years, this year’s festival too will allow the visitors to gain novel perspectives on a variety of issues. Although all of the films deal with human life in its complexity, there are four topics that are given more emphasis this time. The issues that define this year’s programme are memory, food, visual methods in anthropology and family. Here, we would like to give a preliminary overview of the films grouped under the subcategory ‘Postmemory’.
Submissions call for the official programme of the 13th World Film Festival August 22, 2015
Dear colleagues and friends,
Black Sheep March 24, 2015
Daniel Allen
What is the situation of the youngsters? It doesn’t exactly have equilibrium March 19, 2015
The characters in Hikikomori, a deafening silence and State of Play appear to be opposites. Japanese “antiheroes” who have spent years between the four walls of their homes and have given up on everything versus professional Korean gamers who enjoy the fame that follows them upon getting to the top of their careers before reaching adulthood.
Thoughts about Xenos and Kamtchatka March 19, 2015
Martin Oja shares his thoughts about Xenos and Kamtcatka - cure for hatred
Approaches to Visual Anthropology March 13, 2015
Pille Runnel, festival director
Even though ethnographic films have the reputation of documentaries with no special artistic ambition, the films are actually very rich in language. The selection of visual anthropology films in this year's World Film Festival ranges from stories of cultural value to experimental films. -
World Film Festival 2015 March 04, 2015
I place my fate and faith in reality. And the closer I adhere to reality the more honest and authentic my tales. It’s my way of making the world a better place. (Albert Maysles, the godfather of documentaries)
Two sides of one horse March 25, 2014
Tatyana Soboleva is talking about her film: Two sides of one horse and shares her thoughts about Tartu World Film Festival.
Cello Tales March 25, 2014
Anne Schiltz is talking about her film: Cello Tales and shares her thoughts about Tartu World Film Festival.
Krasna Malanka March 25, 2014
Natalie Tsegelnik and Ksenia Kosyk are talking about the film: Krasna Malanka and share their thoughts about Tartu World Film Festival.
Voices from the Tundra - The Last of the Yukagirs March 25, 2014
Edwin Trommelen is talking about his film: Voices from the Tundra - The Last of the Yukagirs and shares his thoughts about Tartu World Film Festival.
Here... I mean there March 25, 2014
Laura Capatana Juller is talking about her film: Here...I mean there and shares her thoughts about Tartu World Film Festival.
The Silent Chaos March 21, 2014
Peeter Riba writes about Antonio Spanò's film "The Silent Chaos"
The Blockade March 21, 2014
Peeter Riba writes about Igor Bezinović's film "The Blockade".
World full of films March 18, 2014
For the 11th time the end of March does not only mark the beginning of spring but also the time when images, sounds, emotions and stories from all over the world meet up in Tartu.
Island Lives March 23, 2013
Aka Since the Trolls Have Been Made Redundant and It Is Fine to Pose Against a Three-Wheeled Car in the Absence of a Four-Wheeled One
Lauri Laanisto reflects on Winter Light and One Year’s Reminder
Women with Stories March 21, 2013
Liisa Ojakõiv on Red hair and Black coffee
Alto do Minho Breathes and Crackles March 21, 2013
Terje Toomistu on Alto do Minho
Worldfilm Festival in Terevisioon March 17, 2013
Watch one of the festival managers Siim Angerpikk and the chief editor of ETV2 talking about this year’s festival in Terevisoon: http://etv.err.ee/index.php?05629907&video=7056#.UUYlRFeaU_j
Orania March 17, 2013
We are happy to announce that Orania by Tobias Lindner (2012) will be screened at our festival next week. Orania has beed awarded as Best Documentary film at Dreamland Film Festival as well as at Jozi Film Festival.
Submissions call for the official programme of the 10th Worldfilm documentary film festival August 15, 2012
Dear colleagues and friends, we are glad to open the submissions call for the official program of the 10th Worldfilm festival to be held at March 18th-24th 2013 in Tartu, Estonia.
Impressions April 02, 2012
Sergei Kleyn is sharing his perceptions on some of the films that he found thought provoking
Violinists March 31, 2012
Terje Toomistu about Alex Gentelev's film
Self-appointed Indians, and the others March 24, 2012
Mele Pesti thoughts about "In Absentia" (dir: Tareq Daoud) and "Indians like us" (dir: Sylvie Jacquemin)
Lost Down Memory Lane March 23, 2012
Film director Erik Strömdahl shares his thoughts about Klara Van Es's film
The Personal is Political: Kurdish Lover March 22, 2012
Terje Toomistu thoughts about Clarisse Hahn's film
Sensing life: The Man from Jupiter March 22, 2012
by Terje Toomistu
On Regilaul... my initial thoughts March 21, 2012
First impressions by Kadi Pilt
A forgotten pleasure – watching Stéphane Breton’s "Them and Me" March 21, 2012
by Daniel Allen
How to catch the invisible on camera? – A matinée with Mihály Hoppál, a noted shamanism researcher March 21, 2012
Monday morning’s sleepy blur not quite blinked from the eyes and the festival has not been officially opened yet. All the brave new worlds being promised to us by the festival film programme are just about to begin to unfold; nevertheless the seminar hall of the Estonian National Museum is full of people who are united by their eager curiosity for the otherworldly. And in this time precisely these other worlds one gets access to through the drums and power of a shaman. The realms of mysticism, healing, liberation … alas invisible. -
And the World begins again! March 20, 2012
The foundation stone of the 9th Worldfilm festival was laid Sunday night at an informal ceremony at Suudlevad Tudengid (the Kissing Students) restaurant.
Volunteers' meeting 2012 March 07, 2012
On the 5th of March in the Estonian National Museum
Submissions call for the official programme of the 9th Worldfilm documentary film festival August 07, 2011
Dear colleagues and friends, we are glad to open the submissions call for the official program of the 9th Worldfilm festival to be held at March 19th-25th 2012 in Tartu, Estonia.
Fire, people and life April 03, 2011
Mele Pesti reflecting over "Fire Burn Babylon", "Holy Fire", and "Reborn in Westphalia"
The trains don't come here anymore... April 01, 2011
Mele Pesti on Jorge Pelicano's film "Stop, listen, look"
Walking in the park with Alyssa March 26, 2011
Reflections about Alyssa Grossman's film "In the Light of Memory"
Wednesday's thoughts March 25, 2011
Peruvian cuisine has designs on the world March 25, 2011
Mele Pesti on „Cooking Up Dreams“
A Happy funeral tour in Cameroon March 24, 2011
Mele Pesti writes about the film "Funeral Season"
Tuesday's thoughts March 24, 2011
From the Worldfilm retrospective March 24, 2011
This year, our retrospective is about Estonian filmmaker Mark Soosaar
Reflections on “Contours of Sound” Programme March 24, 2011
by Carlo Cubero
The beggining is made March 21, 2011
A deep bow to a great person March 16, 2011
Kaisa Sammelselg on Worldfilm 2011 pre-event
Flying from Tartu to The World April 04, 2010
Stop thinking! It's getting hot! April 02, 2010
Shepherdess of Clouds March 31, 2010
Heaven Earth – tourism and a herbal drink March 30, 2010
Longing for Beauty March 30, 2010
Fin/Estonian Mika Keränen writes about Prisoners of the Ground
Hunters' stories in a disappearing language March 29, 2010
World premiere at the Worldfilm festival: Liivo Niglas's Itelmen Stories
At work in the sky March 27, 2010
Dharma Bums in the Digital Age March 27, 2010
Thursday at the festival March 26, 2010
Festival look-alikes March 26, 2010
The infinite ocean between our voices March 25, 2010
Spice Island through the prism of music March 25, 2010
New trend in ethnographic cinema? March 25, 2010
Shaman Tour, painful but honest March 24, 2010
Into the Heart March 24, 2010
Chillout cinema March 24, 2010
Filmmaking from the point of view of the heart March 24, 2010
Old people's beautiful lives March 23, 2010
...Worldfilm begins... March 22, 2010
Worldfilm Appetisers on ETV2 March 20, 2010
Last chance to see: some of last year's films on Estonian TV
The Art of Cooking March 19, 2010
Volunteers' meeting March 11, 2010
Wednesday was the first meeting of Wordfilm festival volunteers…
A Holy Man or a Fool? March 05, 2010
Michael Yorke's Holy Men and Fools is shown at the Genialists Club, Tartu.
Worldfilm is blogging... March 04, 2010
After the long, dark (and white) winter, the world is again about to become colourful...